Essentials for Competitive Programming Week 2

Practice problems discussed during the second week of Essentials for Competitive Programming lectures at Vignan's Institute of Information Technology.

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Practice problems discussed during the second week of Essentials for Competitive Programming lectures at Vignan's Institute of Information Technology.
Practice problems will be available soon!

📝 Essentials for Competitive Programming: Week #2

This week’s focus: Number Theory.

Welcome back to our Essentials for Competitive Programming Practice series!

In the world of algorithms and problem-solving, Number Theory serves as a powerful toolset, offering elegant solutions to a wide array of problems. Throughout this week, we’ll unravel the mysteries of prime numbers, modular arithmetic, and other fascinating concepts that form the foundation of Number Theory.

What to Expect:

  • Problem Sets: Get ready to tackle 20 thought-provoking problems carefully crafted to sharpen your Number Theory skills. From prime factorization to modular exponentiation, each problem presents a unique challenge to stimulate your intellect and creativity.

  • Conceptual Exploration: Beyond mere problem-solving, we’ll delve into the core concepts of Number Theory. Explore the beauty of prime numbers, delve into the depths of modular arithmetic, and uncover the secrets of number properties. Understanding these concepts will not only help you solve problems but also appreciate the elegance of Number Theory.

  • Algorithmic Techniques: Discover a plethora of algorithmic techniques tailored for Number Theory problems. From Euclidean algorithms for computing greatest common divisors to Sieve of Eratosthenes for generating prime numbers, you’ll learn powerful tools to tackle a wide range of problems efficiently.

  • Collaborative Learning: Engage with fellow enthusiasts in our dynamic online community. Share insights, exchange tips, and collaborate on solving challenging problems together. By learning from each other’s experiences and approaches, you’ll accelerate your growth as a programmer and problem solver.

Are You Ready to Unlock the Secrets of Numbers?

Whether you’re a math aficionado fascinated by the beauty of prime numbers or a programming enthusiast eager to expand your problem-solving toolkit, this week promises to be both enriching and rewarding.

So, gear up, sharpen your mathematical intuition, and let’s embark on this fascinating journey into the world of Number Theory! 🚀


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