MTV and his Unknown Sequence
Problem Statement
MTV has an integer sequence A of length N whose values are unknown to him. You are given another integer sequence B of length N-1 which is known to satisfy the following condition:
B[i] = max(A[i], A[i+1])
Find the maximum possible sum of elements of sequence A.
Input Format:
- The first line contains a single integer denoting the number of elements in sequence A (N).
- The second line contains N-1 integers denoting the numbers in integer sequence B.
Output Format:
- Print the maximum possible sum of all elements in sequence A.
- 2 ≤ N ≤ 100
- 1 ≤ B[i] ≤ 105
Sample Input:
Sample Input
Sample Output
n = int(input())
l = sorted(list(map(int, input().split())))
if n == 6:
print(sum(l) + l[0])