Exploring Svelte Custom Store Examples

A Svelte store provides a reactive data stream capable of dynamic changes. Constructing a custom store in Svelte is straightforward. It involves creating a writable store within a function and returning its subscribe function encapsulated in an object.

Applications of Custom Stores

Application: Business Logic

Custom stores are handy for abstracting data operations, serving as fundamental components for more intricate functionalities.

import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

function myStore() {
 const { subscribe, set, update } = writable(0);

 return {
  addOne: () => update(n => n + 1),
  reset: () => set(0)

// Utilize it like a standard store

Application: Callback Wrapper

In projects like SvelteFire, custom stores wrap Firebase’s realtime callbacks, facilitating easy sharing and disposal of data subscriptions, thus avoiding memory and cost leaks.

A writable store accepts two arguments: the initial value and a function for custom setup and teardown logic.

function customStore() {
  const { set, subscribe } = writable(null, () => {
    // on setup
    // runs after first subscriber

    disposeOfListener = firestore.doc('hello/dog').onSnapshot(set); // Set the value of the store

    return () => {
      // on teardown
      // runs after last subscriber unsubscribes


  return {

// Utilize it like a standard store
const unsubscribe = customStore.subscribe(console.log);

// Call unsubscribe to dispose of the Svelte store and the firebase listener.

Application: Redux-style State Management

Custom stores can serve as the foundation for building your Redux-inspired state management solution. Additionally, they can be integrated with Redux Dev Tools browser extension to provide enhanced tooling capabilities.

Note: Ensure that you have Redux Dev Tools installed to visualize the state chart and action history.

  import { writable } from "svelte/store";

  function redux(init, reducer) {
    const devTools =
      window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ &&

    const { update, subscribe } = writable(init);

    function dispatch(action) {
      update(state => {
  devTools.send(action, state);
        return reducer(state, action);

    return {

  const reducer = (state, action) => {
    console.log(state.count, action);
    switch (action) {
      case "increment":
        return { count: state.count + 1 };
        return state;

  const store = redux({ count: 0 }, reducer);


Count: {$store.count}
<button on:click={e => store.dispatch('increment')}>Dispatch</button>


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