Comprehensive Guide to DP
2 min read

Dynamic programming is a powerful technique in computer science and mathematics that involves breaking down a problem into smaller subproblems and solving each subproblem only once, storing the solutions to subproblems in a table to avoid redundant computations. It is commonly used to solve optimization problems.
Understanding the Basics
- Learn the basic concepts and principles behind dynamic programming.
- Understand the overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure properties.
- Introduction to Algorithms : Provides a detailed and comprehensive coverage of dynamic programming. by Thomas H. Cormen.
- Dynamic Programming for Coding Interviews : Focuses specifically on dynamic programming problems commonly asked in interviews. by Meenakshi and Kamal Rawat.
Online Platforms for practice
- GeeksforGeeks - Dynamic Programming: Offers a wide range of problems with detailed explanations and solutions.
- LeetCode - Dynamic Programming: Contains a collection of dynamic programming problems, including both classical and interview-style questions.
Blogs and Articles
- TopCoder - Dynamic Programming : A detailed guide with explanations and examples for dynamic programming problems.
- Medium - Dynamic Programming: Explore various articles on dynamic programming topics from different authors on Medium.
Remember that dynamic programming can be challenging at first, so it's crucial to practice regularly. Work through a variety of problems to strengthen your understanding and problem-solving skills. Mix theoretical learning with hands-on coding to solidify your grasp of dynamic programming concepts.
Contributed by Geeth Sowri to SERVER-X-101