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Defense in depth, also known as layered security, is a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity that involves implementing multiple layers of protection to safeguard an organization’s assets, networks, and systems.

02 Understand Common Exploit Frameworks

Exploit frameworks are essential tools in the cybersecurity landscape, as they provide a systematic and efficient way to test vulnerabilities, develop exploits, and launch attacks. They automate many tasks and help security professionals and ethical hackers to identify weaknesses, simulate attacks, and strengthen defenses. In this section, we will discuss some of the most common exploit frameworks and their features.


Metasploit is probably the most widely used and well-known exploit framework. It is an open-source platform with a large and active user community, which constantly contributes to its development, vulnerability research, and exploit creation.

Key Features

Supports more than 1,500 exploits and over 3,000 modules Provides a command-line interface as well as a Graphical User Interface (GUI) called Armitage Offers integration with other popular tools, such as Nmap and Nessus Enables payload delivery, exploit execution, and post-exploitation tasks Canvas Canvas is a commercial exploit framework developed by Immunity Inc. It includes a wide range of modules that target various platforms, networking devices, and vulnerabilities.



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